Monday, August 3, 2009

Me On The Today Show

Aired Saturday, July 4, 2009.


Go, See, Write said...

Congrats! Great publicity for you. Title of the piece kinda sucked, but whatever. . . they got your name right! :)

me said...

Thanks Michael! The reason they used the title because the spot was a set-up for a panel discussion on frugality during the recession with "The Ultimate Cheapskate" Jeff Yeager.

I'll let Jeff keep that title...besides, I've already been coined, "Freeloader #2" by Time Out NY hahaha

Sara, Ms Adventures in Italy said...

Do they have a Next Today Show Star? :) Good stuff.

Roxy said...

you go girl, cheap is good! love it

Nomadic Matt said...

awesome courtney! i'm gonna have my time on the today show next month. congrats on the fame. you'll have to hide from ur rabid fans in NYC.

ooo wait i'm not in NYC yet...

me said...

thanks girls (and Matt)!!