Thursday, July 2, 2009

Behind the Scenes: Today Show Shoot

I spent the bulk of today running around Manhattan and New Jersey with Today Show producers for a segment on Free Eats! Made a stop at Costco in Clifton, NJ where a whopping eighteen sample stations were awaiting us, then on to the Union Square Farmers Market and Whole Foods and finally to 5 Ninth for some piggies.To see my full Free Eats segment, tune in to the Today Show on NBC this Saturday, the 4th of July. In the meantime, here are some behind the scenes moments from the shoot:

Today Show producers, Tim and Mollie. having some Italian sausages on Ciabatta bread, prepared with love by Maria and Enza, two of Costco's darling samplers.

Spoke Italian with these three adorable samplers in between shots. They couldn't be sweeter!


Sara, Ms Adventures in Italy said...

Good for you! How exciting! You'll have to post the segment for those of us out of the country ;)

Go, See, Write said...

Congrats on the exposure. Great work. Michael

Rachel Cannon Humiston said...

Congrats Court! That is so awesome, I can't wait to see the segment!!!


Unknown said...

so awesome! congrats!

Nomadic Matt said...

congrats on the fame and thanks for the link- i didnt actually think u read my blog!